Register to Vote

Your voice. Your Parliament


Registering to vote in the Welsh Youth Parliament elections is your first step towards making a difference!

If you’re aged 11 - 17, this is your chance to vote on the issues that matter to you. Take this opportunity to be heard and influence change.

Who can register?

To register to vote in the Welsh Youth Parliament Election you must be 11 to 17 years old, and either live, or receive your education, in Wales. 

Register to vote online

It usually takes less than one minute to register.


What you need to know

You'll be asked for your name, email address, date of birth and postcode to register to vote. 

It is also optional for you to provide your mobile phone number, and where you receive your education.

To complete your registration, you must click or tap the link in your verification email to confirm.

Voting opens on 4 November 2024 and closes on 25 November 2024.