People of the Welsh Youth Parliament

Eleanor Lewis

Eleanor Lewis


Eleanor was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

Welsh Youth Parliament Activities

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Detailed information: Eleanor Lewis


Eleanor was a Member of the first Welsh Youth Parliament from 2018 to 2021.

The following was her candidate statement for election to the first Welsh Youth Parliament:

My Key Issues are:

  • Mental Health Support
  • D/deaf young people’s voices
  • Support for LGBT+ youth

I am standing for youth parliament because I know that there are issues for young people in Wales that need to be talked about but aren’t. I am a good person for this role because I am very honest and loyal, and I am willing to put in the heard work and persevere. I have good judgement and can take full responsibility for my actions. I have good integrity, initiative and I am very enthusiastic about this role.

One of my main focuses will be representing lgbt+ youth in Wales. Every young person should feel supported, safe and accepted in school and around the community, regardless of their gender or sexual identity. I also think that mental health needs to be talked about and taught in schools- we are taught from so early on about healthy eating and exercise but there is a stigma surrounding mental health.

My last focus will be promoting knowledge and understanding of young people in Wales who are D/deaf and Hard of Hearing. Their voices need to be heard and we as a society need to take active roles making sure that D/deaf and HoH young people’s rights and opportunities are equal. 

Terms of office

  1. 12/05/2018 - 03/05/2021

Calendar events: Eleanor Lewis